- 購物慾一整個拿到bonus後大爆發!目前購買了太陽眼鏡(下個月度假立刻派上用場)、kate spade特價上一季耳環(但是是百搭款),台灣香港都沒有進,最後是美國summer sale又用coupon買到(謝謝蘇媽媽跟蘇芃芃),然後還買了眼影!k小姐去倫敦幫買還退了稅!阿姨回台灣也幫買了歐洲花草茶跟Dr. Hauschka的護唇膏!而且八月九月十月十一月都有度假出國行程。。。
- 最近聽的愛歌是演唱會版本的しるし。深深覺得明後年去日本的話要配合小孩先生衝控啊!之所以這麼迷戀演唱會,是因為太喜歡演唱會的編制跟編曲,常常都會有超級棒的弦樂聲線。
- 表演是一門非常深奧的學問。這一個月幫忙紀錄一支舞的排練。說實話,原本以為自己對於站在舞台上這件事情的迷戀已經不如過往,沒想到這幾天卻偷偷萌生「要是自己也在台上有多好」的想法。仔細再探究,除了過去經驗裡,太多不完美,這次又是沒有接觸過的型態,越來越心動。不過我對自己的肢體還是沒有太大的信心,明年再來好了。
- 又,關於表演,重新複習了交響情人夢,當年自己過不去的關,好像有那麼一點輪廓了。可惜沒有堅持,當時也沒有這部戲可以陪我度過自己的關卡。如果可以再一次,或許我會願意重新正面接觸音樂,然後更加怡然自得,更加享受。而哪一種表演不也是這樣嗎?
- 最近受傷,接觸人工皮,頗有心得。不過這好像算是醫療器材,無法再公開場合說太多,只好分眾批兔(有空再寫XD)
- 最近批踢踢有個三十五歲未婚女的文章,簡直應該頒個奇文共欣賞給他。結婚與否,對我而言是一個選擇。如果嫁不好,不如不嫁;如果無法有相近的價值觀,也就無法分享生活中的大小事,因為每一個選擇與言論,都是一種價值觀的論述,也就不需要嫁了;而嫁與不嫁,真的不是最重要的事情。
- 所以,雖然人生沒有進度,但有在進化,那也就好了。 最近除了日劇美劇(其實也看很少了),就是跳舞。不過還花了時間去上烘培課。巧克力系列的課程真的有點難,我有太多問題想要問老師了!!!
- 以色列前幾年有規畫要去旅行,這幾天讓我心中感慨萬千。pray for GAZA.猶太人是歷史上的受害者,並不代表你現在可以有權力轉成加害者的角色。現在所獲得的國際地位,與他國交往能力,並不代表你可以隨意轟炸平民與小孩,不代表可以不需要包容另一種聲音與宗教。
- 想說的太多,等想到再繼續寫!
Jul 29, 2014
Jul 15, 2014
okay, sh_t happens all the time.
the story should be back to about 3 or 4 months ago, when the so-called sunflower movement happened in the Taipei.
I have some "friends" not taking position on what they care about. I really dont care about they are on my side or what. because the movement has large topics and perspectives that I maybe agree on A while disagree on B.
I dont really care about what your choosing from.
BUT, I do care about "taking position" or not.
if you are not speaking loudly, nor saying it in a subtle way,
I cannot think of any possibilities that when you meet me,
then saying that,
Oh, Joanne, you are such a brilliant girl/ you are doing the right thing/ so proud of you.
please STOP saying this if you are not taking any position on the whole value.
I actually do nothing in the movements,
what I have done is speaking loud my position, is showing my attitudes toward the things I care about.
I do understand that ppl may have issues about political views, business networks, and some other things that you.
HOWEVER, if you still beliefs of the common value you think you really believe, then, is it worthy to make the trade-off? to make you be quiet?
the story should be back to about 3 or 4 months ago, when the so-called sunflower movement happened in the Taipei.
I have some "friends" not taking position on what they care about. I really dont care about they are on my side or what. because the movement has large topics and perspectives that I maybe agree on A while disagree on B.
I dont really care about what your choosing from.
BUT, I do care about "taking position" or not.
if you are not speaking loudly, nor saying it in a subtle way,
I cannot think of any possibilities that when you meet me,
then saying that,
Oh, Joanne, you are such a brilliant girl/ you are doing the right thing/ so proud of you.
please STOP saying this if you are not taking any position on the whole value.
I actually do nothing in the movements,
what I have done is speaking loud my position, is showing my attitudes toward the things I care about.
I do understand that ppl may have issues about political views, business networks, and some other things that you.
HOWEVER, if you still beliefs of the common value you think you really believe, then, is it worthy to make the trade-off? to make you be quiet?
Jul 6, 2014
謝謝張同學找我去吃飯喝酒(謎) |
跳舞時光其實很開心,腦袋可以放很空,下課再繼續轉轉。不過常常同手同腳有點困擾,為什麼不可以呢?託慧慧的福去看了 Royal Ballet的Romeo & Juliet。非常地驚人,雙人舞好漂亮,周日晚場的女主角連走路都令人著迷。我有他的腳指頭好,就心滿意足了。